- The NRA and related groups have millions of single-issue voters. Anti-gun forces do not. And the pro-gun forces are powerful in rural states.
- Support for gun control spikes after a mass shooting, but is otherwise tepid.
- Most Americans have a favorable opinion of the NRA.
- Pro-gun people are much more likely to cast their congressional vote on the basis of the issue than anti-gun people.
Which of the following statements concerns you more—(ROTATE)
Statement A: The government will go too far in restricting the rights of citizens to own guns Statement B: The government will not do enough to regulate access to firearms
.........................................................................................8/17 6/16 12/15 6/95
Statement A: Too far in restricting citizen gun rights ...... 50 .....50 ....52 .......35
Statement B: Not enough to regulate access to firearms.. 45 .....47 .....44 ......58