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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Popular Vote Margins

 This presidential election is likely to be close.  This guess rests not only on current polls but also recent history.

Winner's popular vote margin 1976-1996

1976    Carter    2.06%
1980    Reagan  9.74%
1984    Reagan 18.21%
1988    Bush41 7.72%
1992   Clinton   5.56%
1996   Clinton   8.51%

Average          8.63%

2000  Bush43 -0.51%
2004  Bush43  2.46%
2008   Obama   7.27%
2012   Obama  3.86%
2016  Trump  -2.09%
2020  Biden    4.45% 

Average         2.57%

As with cars, past performance does not necessarily indicate future results.  Historical patterns change.